Installation & Commissioning

All McLennan Power generator implementations are overseen by a project manager who follows our outcome-oriented approach to project delivery. This ensures predictability of a timely result. McLennan Power is able to provide a turnkey “end-to-end” installation service including construction requirements, complete electrical works and switchgear requirements, supply and installation of all required components, and final testing and commissioning of the project.
Our implementations are varied but typically include:
- Quality Assurance at factory on large projects or in country prior to dispatch to customer by McLennan Power engineers – No DOA! (Dead On Arrival)
- Implementation Project Management (aligned with customer’s operational requirements)
- Site Preparation and Construction (if required)
- Equipment placement at site including positioning, lifting or cranage
- Installation of electrical cabling, switchgear and UPS if required
- Mains switchboards, expansion or replacements
- Generator Start-up and Testing
- Information System/Facilities/Building Management System Integration
- Remote Management setup and configuration
- Finalisation of management and operational schedules
- Power Continuity Test
- Comprehensive Commissioning and Go Live
- Documentation
- Customer Training
- Handover and Sign off
All McLennan Power services personnel, agents and contractors are suitability certified and qualified to adhere to governing standards and ensure best quality service delivery and they operate under the supervision of our service management team.